At 19 weeks I'm a busy bee. My family and I left Friday afternoon for Hilton Head, SC and we've been enjoying the sun, beach, and the 3 amazing pools. We spend majority of our day at the beach and pool yesterday and when I got into the pool the baby went crazy because the water was so cold. My little man Tucker was so excited or cold one. haha. He was all over the place in my belly and finally he calmed down. I went on 2 walks on the beach Saturday with my sister and mom and then one with Keith. We ended the night with an Italian dinner and some ice cream. Yum. Last night while I was reading my book Tucker was just a kicking. He seems to be an active baby already. It's an amazing feeling to feel him moving inside me. Sunday, we've mainly been pool bums spending the day at the pool. I played with my nephew Jacob and niece Maleea in the pool with my sister and Keith and I took a few laps in the pool together. We finally came in around 5pm and went to Wal-mart to pick up some miscellaneous items that everyone needed. My dad and brother spent most of the day together riding bikes and enjoying the beach together. Tomorrow, we're driving to Savannah for a day trip which should be a good time. It's been a great time so far and I look forward to spending the rest of the week with my family in Hilton Head.
Today's Mood - Tired
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago