Sunday, October 11, 2009

25 weeks

Well, I officially only have 15 more weeks until I reach 40 weeks which is kind of scary and exciting all at the same time. I had a very busy week at work so the work week went by really fast. Unfortunately, I had a tear fest at my desk Wednesday afternoon though. I forgot to mention in my last blog that I will have a RhoGAM shot at my next doctor's appointment which is standard for negative blood types. This shot is doctor recommended and needed since I'm an A - blood type. Since I'm Rh-negative I must have the RhoGAM shot to prevent my body from building up antibodies that could potentially harm my baby if he is a positive blood type. Should my baby have a positive blood type then I will receive another RhoGAM shot within 72 hours from birth so my body will not build up antibodies that could potentially harm my next baby if it were to have a positive blood type. I've posted a link for anyone that may be interested in reading more about the RhoGAM shot -

Saturday, I went to the Cherry Farm in Rock Hill, SC with my sister Melissa and her two kids Jacob and Maleea and my cousin Chelsea and her little girl Leslie. We enjoyed lunch together at Chick-fil-A before heading to the farm to enjoy a hay ride, pumpkin painting, feeding animals, playing on trackers, and a corn maze. I don't think my sister and I knew it was going to be so hot outside Saturday and I was sweating to death chasing the kids around and being in the sun. We had a great time together though and Jacob and Leslie play really well together. I was glad that we were all able to get together and catch up and enjoy the day with each other.

Sunday, Keith and I went to the early service at Weddington United Methodist Church and enjoyed a very lazy afternoon together. It's always nice to relax but next weekend we'll be painting the nursery and getting the baby's room ready for baby Tucker. Tonight we toured the Maternity Center where I plan to delivery baby Tucker which was pretty interesting. We toured the Maternity Center with a lot of other mother's to be and it was good to hear other couples questions and concerns. I'm glad Keith and I were able to do the tour. We ended the night with dinner at Wendy's and are relaxing at home and getting ready for bed now.

Week 25 has been pretty busy and I'm hoping week 26 will slow down for me a little.

Todays' Mood - Grateful

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