Sunday, August 30, 2009

19 weeks

At 19 weeks I'm a busy bee. My family and I left Friday afternoon for Hilton Head, SC and we've been enjoying the sun, beach, and the 3 amazing pools. We spend majority of our day at the beach and pool yesterday and when I got into the pool the baby went crazy because the water was so cold. My little man Tucker was so excited or cold one. haha. He was all over the place in my belly and finally he calmed down. I went on 2 walks on the beach Saturday with my sister and mom and then one with Keith. We ended the night with an Italian dinner and some ice cream. Yum. Last night while I was reading my book Tucker was just a kicking. He seems to be an active baby already. It's an amazing feeling to feel him moving inside me. Sunday, we've mainly been pool bums spending the day at the pool. I played with my nephew Jacob and niece Maleea in the pool with my sister and Keith and I took a few laps in the pool together. We finally came in around 5pm and went to Wal-mart to pick up some miscellaneous items that everyone needed. My dad and brother spent most of the day together riding bikes and enjoying the beach together. Tomorrow, we're driving to Savannah for a day trip which should be a good time. It's been a great time so far and I look forward to spending the rest of the week with my family in Hilton Head.

Today's Mood - Tired

Saturday, August 22, 2009

18 weeks & It's A Boy!!!

I'm excited to announce that Keith and I are having a baby BOY!!!
I'm 18 weeks now and I had my ultrasound on Thursday, August 20th. The ultrasound went really well and our baby boy is growing healthy and strong. He now weighs 1/2 a pound and he's about 5 1/2 inches long. His brain and heart look really good and the blood is circulating through the heart's chambers the correct way. His lips, fingers, and toes all look good as well. The ultrasound was an amazing experience and I wish I could've stayed there all day and watched my little man moving around. It was such a blessing to see our little boy moving around, yawning, and best of all knowing that he is healthy. I've placed a few ultrasound pictures at the bottom for you to view.

I'm still eatting fresh strawberries and other strawberry related foods. I also enjoy beef, toasted sandwiches, apples, and sweet tea/unsweet tea. I've been experiencing some sharp pains under my left rib cage and under my tummy where my uterus is growing that come and go throughout the day. I'm also experiencing some lower back pain mainly at night which hasn't been a lot of fun to deal with.

Today I picked out my nursery crib bedding from Pottery Barn Kids. I decided to go with the ABC toile print which I think is very sweet and I love it. I already have a daybed in the baby's room with blue and white bedding so this will go perfect together. Keith and I have also been talking about names a lot the last couple days and I think our little boys name will be Tucker. I can't wait for my little man to arrive and I can hold him and love all over him.

...Our Little Boy...

...Profile Picture...

...He's yawning...

...It's A Boy...

...He's sitting Indian sweet...

Today's Mood - Blessed and Loved

Friday, August 14, 2009

17 weeks

I'm officially 17 weeks pregnant as of yesterday. Everything seems to be going well these days. I've had a few days that I felt a little off balance but that's because my body is changing and my center of gravity is different with my growing belly. My mom came over Tuesday night and helped me begin the process of cleaning the soon to be baby's room. Currently that room is a mess and I've been calling it the junk room that holds my college and high school stuff. We seperated the stacks of boxes and containers by things I'm going to keep and things that will go to yard sale. I almost feel like we made it a bigger mess but hopefully once Keith moves all the yard sales boxes out of the room it'll look a little cleaner. It was a big help having my mom come over and help me as I start to organize the baby room. I hope she'll be able to come over more during the next few months. My appetite really seemed to pick up yesterday...In fact I thought my belly grew 5 inches because I ate so much. I got on the scale this morning though and I haven't gained a pound since my last appointment so not sure why my belly looked so big yesterday.

I copied and pasted this from my babycenter weekly newsletter - How my baby's growing this week: Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — the lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and it's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. The baby can move it's joints, and the sweat glands are starting to develop.

I'm really excited about my ultrasound that is scheduled next Thursday, August 20th. Will it be a girl or a boy? What do you think???

I'm going to post some baby bump pictures in a few days.

Today's Mood - Happy that's it Friday!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

16 weeks

I'm 16 weeks pregnant today and I'm starting to feel a lot better. I had my 16 week doctor's appointment this morning and everything went well. The doctor said that everything looks good with both the baby and I. I've gained 4.75lbs over almost 4 months (a few days shy) and my blood pressure was 130 over 80. I believe that my blood pressure is higher because I have anxiety before my appointment and that's why it's registering higher than normal but the doctor said it was fine. I told the doctor about my little red bumps that are still aggrevating me and he said that it was a heat rash. He said that since I'm pregnant my skin is a lot more sensitive than usual....and I was thinking my skin is already super sensitive and now it's going to be more sensitive??? Oh no. Well, I've been exercising 3-4 times a week and with exercising comes sweat and with sweat comes heat rash - apparently for me anyway. Not fun but at least I can now take care of it appropriately. He told me to use Benadryl cream and that would help the itching. After we talked for a few minutes it was time to listen to the baby's heart beat. We listened to the heart beat which was a little lower this time but it was still a nice strong heart beat of 153. I didn't want to stop listening to the heart beat but I knew it was time to go. I schedule my Ultra Sound for Thursday, August 20th, at 4pm and I can't wait to find out the sex of the baby. I can't believe it's only 2 weeks away!!!

This week my baby is the size of an avocado and is about to have a big growth spurt over the next few weeks.

Today's Mood - Happy!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Emotional Days

Since this past Friday night I've been very emotional. Friday night I was talking to my mom on the phone and then out of no where for no reason I started crying. My poor mom. She thought she upset me but really I was just crying for no good reason at all. I honestly thought to myself that I may be loosing it but I knew it was just my pregnancy hormones stepping up another gear. I was laying it the bed with Keith and he was staring at me because I was crying so hard and he wanted to help but he didn't know what to do. My mom kept asking if she said something to upset me and I told her no. This is really sad but I think I honestly just missed my mom's voice because I haven't talked with her a lot this past week and then it hit me that I'm soon going to be a mom as well. It was very emotional but I felt fine after my teary waterfall ended.

Then today I was eating my usual Subway sandwich which is a toasted Turkey and Swiss on wheat. Since I found out that I'm pregnant I've been ordering apples as my side instead of chips. Today I was eating my apples at my desk and the phone rang and I had to shift my body to answer the phone. The caller ended up hanging up but when I shifted in my chair I knocked my apples onto the floor and I was so upset. I thought I was going to loose it all over again. haha. I was so upset that my apples dropped on the floor. It was sad to think I almost started crying over my apples and not being able to eat them but Friday night was a lot worse. I'm still adjusting to all these added pregnancy hormones.

Since I've been pretty emotional these past few days a lot of my friends seem to think I'm having a baby girl. I guess I'll find out in about three (3) weeks. My next appointment is scheduled for this Thursday at 9am and I can't wait to hear my little baby's heart beat again. I'll schedule my ultrasound after this appointment for 18 weeks. I'll keep you posted and I plan to blog again Thursday night after my 16 week appointment.

Today's mood = Relaxed