Thursday, August 6, 2009

16 weeks

I'm 16 weeks pregnant today and I'm starting to feel a lot better. I had my 16 week doctor's appointment this morning and everything went well. The doctor said that everything looks good with both the baby and I. I've gained 4.75lbs over almost 4 months (a few days shy) and my blood pressure was 130 over 80. I believe that my blood pressure is higher because I have anxiety before my appointment and that's why it's registering higher than normal but the doctor said it was fine. I told the doctor about my little red bumps that are still aggrevating me and he said that it was a heat rash. He said that since I'm pregnant my skin is a lot more sensitive than usual....and I was thinking my skin is already super sensitive and now it's going to be more sensitive??? Oh no. Well, I've been exercising 3-4 times a week and with exercising comes sweat and with sweat comes heat rash - apparently for me anyway. Not fun but at least I can now take care of it appropriately. He told me to use Benadryl cream and that would help the itching. After we talked for a few minutes it was time to listen to the baby's heart beat. We listened to the heart beat which was a little lower this time but it was still a nice strong heart beat of 153. I didn't want to stop listening to the heart beat but I knew it was time to go. I schedule my Ultra Sound for Thursday, August 20th, at 4pm and I can't wait to find out the sex of the baby. I can't believe it's only 2 weeks away!!!

This week my baby is the size of an avocado and is about to have a big growth spurt over the next few weeks.

Today's Mood - Happy!!!

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